Road To Hamartia is a quest under Eurvicscire in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Your task is to return to Halfdan to report your findings on Faravid and continue investigating.
Here’s a walkthrough of Road to Hamartia in AC Valhalla.
Suggested power: 190
Return to Halfdan
Head back to Donecastre to meet Halfdan.
Faravid is planning an attack or honorable
You’ll then be given a choice of either:
- Faravid is planning an attack.
- Faravid is honorable.
If you choose the former, Halfdan will be angry at him and he’ll also ask you to check on Moira.
If you choose the latter, Halfdan will ask you to continue to investigate on Faravid and also Moira.
Find Moira
Get to Moira’s place in Donecastre. The location is shown below, marked by the quest symbol.
Enter the house and read the note. You’ll discover that she’s in Wyke.
Now, head to Wyke which is east or slightly northeast of Donecastre. The location is shown in the map below, marked by the quest symbol.
Once you’re at Wyke, you have to find her home. It’s located deeper within the woods.
You’ll see a crowd gathering in front of her house.
Enter the house
You can enter the house from the rooftop. Destroy the weak wooden planks and enter the house.
Talk to Moira inside.
Moira choices
You can either talk your way out of this or ask Moira to pretend she’s hurt.
I chose the former.
To get out of the house, move the shelf away and use the window.
Talk to the guy in charge.
During the conversation, you have three options. The best option is the first one which requires flyting level 3.
No fighting will occur.
Follow Moira
Once the villagers have left, Moira will leave through the side door.
Follow her and talk to her. From the conversation, she doesn’t seem to be suspicious.
Find and report to Halfdan
Next, meet Halfdan west of Wyke. The exact location is shown below, marked by the quest symbol.
You will see him with a dog. Talk to Halfdan to report your findings.
Find Halfdan’s scout
His scout named Olav has disappeared.
Climb up on the wall of the ruins and you’ll see the scout.
Bring the scout to Halfdan
Carry the scout and bring him to Halfdan. To get down there, continue jumping on the walls towards the left side. You should be able to go down easily.
Follow Beonton
After Olav’s death, Halfdan will command his dog to find the traitors.
Follow the dog named Beonton.
Search for the alleged traitors
Beonton will lead you to a building.
Enter the building and you’ll find a path downwards. Destroy the wooden planks to go down.
Once you’re down here, look for the narrow gap at the bottom to slide through.
You will reach a dead end with a breakable stone wall. Dive into the water and find a path to the other side.
You will then reach a room with a barred door, heavy door and a locked door.
Help Halfdan find a way to the room
To open a path for Halfdan, get one of the oil jars.
Go back to the weak stone wall and throw the oil jar. It will blast open a path.
Get Halfdan to follow you down here. If he doesn’t move, climb up to him and he’ll start to follow you.
Once he’s with you, go back to the room with many doors.
Use the door that you can open with two people (force open).
Inside, you’ll find a key. Take it.
Find the source of the voices
To find the source of the traitors’ voices, use the key to unlock the locked door.
Continue up the path and you’ll meet Ulf with some of the others.
Traitor must suffer or do not deserve punishment
You will then choose between:
- Traitors must suffer
- They do not deserve punishment
If you choose the first option, you need to defeat Ulf and his men.
If you choose the second option, Halfdan will say Ulf is lucky. Halfdan also promises to forget this day if Ulf returns the treasure. Ulf will decline and gets killed.
The quest ends here.
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AC Valhalla: Honor Has Two Edges (Quest Walkthrough)