Asser is a world event located in Wincestre in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Your task is to give a religious man a sign for his future devotion.
Here’s a walkthrough of Asser in AC Valhalla.
To begin, get to the location shown below, marked by the map marker.
You will reach a church. Talk to the man named Asser.
He will need a sign from his God of Gods. If you look at the right side, there are two more notes you can read.
You have to get him to read those notes.
How to give a sign
You need the ray of sunlight to hit those two books via the windows above.
Go out of the church and climb to the windows at the top.
You have to move the two shelves on the right-most side. The light will then enter the church through the exposed windows.
Head back down to Asser and he’ll decide to dedicate his life to Aelfred.
The world event ends here.
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