Valheim is an open world survival crafting game where you’ll need to get all sorts of resources.
These resources will unlock more and more items as you go on, including guck.
Here’s how you can find guck to craft the Draugr Fang in Valheim.
How to find guck
Guck is a green substance found in the swamp biome and you may have seen it on trees.
They are like green blobs stuck on certain trees, especially the trees at the edge of the island (in the swamp area).
Unfortunately, a lot of guck is located high up the tree.
To destroy it, you need to build a workbench and then some stairs to climb up. You can also build wooden platforms around the tree to make your way up.
Once you’ve reached the guck, just use an axe to chop it.
You will need at least 10 guck to make a Draugr Fang which is a bow. The bow actually glows and looks pretty cool.
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