In Sons of the Forest, the first shotgun you will get is inside a grave.
Before you can get it, you need to retrieve some items first.
Here’s how you can find the shotgun (location) in Sons of the Forest.
Pre-requisites to getting the shotgun
Before you can obtain the shotgun, you need to get the following items:
You basically need a shovel to dig the ground, but the shovel is in a cave that is only accessible after you get the rope gun and rebreather.
How to find the shotgun (location)
After getting the shovel, head to the purple marker on your GPS. There are three of these purple markers. Go to the one at the edge of the island (image below).
You’ll reach a wooden cross on the ground.
Use the shovel to dig the ground in front of the cross and you’ll see a coffin.
Open the coffin and you’ll see a dead guy. Take the shotgun from him.
You can equip your shotgun rail on it.
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