Phasmophobia is a game where you play as a paranormal / ghost investigator.
In each round (job), you are given optional objectives to complete. If you do them, you’ll get paid more money after you leave.
One of the common objectives is to find dirty water and take a photo of it.
Here’s how you can capture a photo of dirty water in a sink in Phasmophobia.
How to get dirty water
In each house / asylum / school, there will be at least one sink. There may be plenty of sinks in bigger buildings like the asylum so it’s much harder to complete that objective.
For houses, the sink is usually in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
When you first enter the building, the water in the sink is usually clear or maybe there’s no water at all.
You can turn the tap on to flood the sink first.
To get it dirty, you basically have to provoke the ghost or ask the ghost to turn the water dirty.
The clear water might turn dirty (brown in color) or the ghost might just turn on the tap and the water is immediately dirty. It’s either of the two.
Grab the DSLR to take a photo of the dirty water and you’re done.
However, it sometimes doesn’t work, so this objective may not be easy to complete.
Many players simply abandon it because no matter how much you provoke the ghost, it may sometimes not work.
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Phasmophobia: List Of Words To Communicate With Ghosts
Phasmophobia: How To Use Smudge Sticks To Prevent Ghost Attacks