The Doom Book of Cats is a world event in Grantebridgescire in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Your task is to help a man get rid of the rats that are eating his crops.
Here’s a walkthrough of The Doom Book Of Cats in AC Valhalla.
To begin the world event, talk to the Anglo-Saxon man who is complaining about the rats. His exact location is shown below, marked by the player marker.
It is north of Grantebridge.
You will see him in the paddy field. Talk to him.
Follow the trail
If you use Odin’s sight, you will see a trail of poop. Follow it all the way to the next house.
Speak to the lady
You’ll see an Anglo-Saxon woman. Talk to her and she’ll give you a key.
Let the cats free
Use the key to unlock the door of the house belonging to the woman.
You will see plenty of cats inside.
Return to the man
After the cats have been released, talk to the man again.
The world event completes here.
Get the treasure
After completing the quest, he will give a key to his house.
His house is behind him. Enter the house and loot the chest.
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