Brother Quiescis is a flyting challenge available in Cent in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Your task is to defeat Brother Quiescis (spoken by Acolyte Alwin) in flyting.
Here’s an answer guide for the Brother Quiescis flyting challenge in AC Valhalla.
To begin the challenge, get to Canterbury as shown in the map below.
Talk to Acolyte Alwin to begin the match.
You’ll then need to bet either small, medium or large. The actual competitor is Brother Quiescis but he is mute, and Acolyte Alwin will speak for him.
Correct answers
Below are the correct answers for the flyting challenge. You just have to get 2 out of 3 anyways.
- Though you speak through another, your writing’s still poor.
- Though you choose to be quiet, your folly is loud.
- With such drivel to speak, I see why you keep mum.
The flyting challenge completes here.
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