Background Checks is a Ryujin Industries mission in Starfield.
Your objective is to help Dalton Fiennes find the mole at Ryujin Industries by accessing Ularu’s computer. This is a stealth-based mission.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide of Background Checks in Starfield.
Talk to Dalton Fiennes
To begin the mission, talk to Dalton Fiennes at the Executives Floor.
Talk to Nyx
Then, head to the Ebbside to find Nyx.
You can either pay him 2500 credits, persuade him to make it cheaper or help him with a favor.
I persuade him and the price goes down to 1000 credits. For this mission, I rather pay him 1000 credits as stealth can be a hassle without good stealth stats.
Find a way into Ryujin Tower
Head to the marked location to find a way into Ryujin Tower. You should see a button. Press it and the container moves.
Go through the container and get to the tower.
Enter Ryujin Industries from the side entrance.
Run Nyx’s program on Ularu’s computer
The main objective here is to get to Ularu’s computer which is quite far away and there are plenty of guards here.
If you have a companion, get rid of him / her. A good stealth skill rank would help a lot. Also, you can take some aids to improve stealth like Reconstim.
You can also change your default walk from fast to slow to help reduce detection.
Once you’re ready, proceed ahead by climbing up to the vents.
You’ll reach the office area. Use the Sense Star Stuff power to detect all the locations of security guards. Make your way past the guard.
Continue ahead to the marked area.
You’ll reach the next section. Wait for the guard to look at the wall on the right and pass him.
There’s also a small robot here. You can use a good 1-shot gun like a sniper rifle to destroy the tiny robot as it detects you.
Then, you can hide in the meeting room on the right first and wait for the guard to move away.
Go past the guard and make your way to the door.
Inside the room, open the vent on your left.
Climb up to the vents.
In the next area, you’ll see even more guards. Sneak your way through.
There’s also a tiny robot you can destroy here.
Make your way towards the left side when the guard isn’t looking.
You’ll reach a pathway. On the right, you’ll see guards, a tiny robot and a Robot Model A.
Go towards the left side. If the Robot Model A spots you, just continue going to the left and it shouldn’t report you immediately.
Then, you’ll find another room with two guards. Get past the guard on the right when he’s not looking.
The other guard is at the top, wait for him to walk away first and make your way to the vent above.
Enter the vent and continue ahead.
Open the vent on the other side and you’ll see more guards below.
Go towards the left and walk on the left-side beam to avoid detection.
Enter the vents again.
In the next area, you’ll see a few guards. Go to the stairs and head to Ularu’s room.
Right before the room, there’s one more guard. Sneak by him when he looks away.
Enter the room, close the door and use Ularu’s computer.
Exit Ryujin Tower
Now that you’re done, exit the tower through the hatch in Ularu’s room.
Talk to Nyx at his apartment
Now, head to Nyx’s Apartment.
Talk to Nyx inside.
Wait for him to find out what actually happened.
Return to Dalton Fiennes
You can now return to Dalton Fiennes through the front entrance of Ryujin Tower.
The mission ends here. You’ll earn Reconstim and 10000 credits.
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