A Hidden Weakness is a main quest in the Paris DLC of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
The objective is to look for a smuggler who might know Paris’ defenses.
Here’s a walkthrough of A Hidden Weakness in AC Valhalla.
To begin the quest, head to the slums marked on the map.
As you reach the area, you’ll see a man under a tree. Talk to him and he’ll give you a clue on the warehouse location.
Find the smuggler’s warehouse
The exact location of the warehouse is shown in the map below, marked by the player location.
You will see a few clues to investigate if you use Odin’s sight.
The last clue is hidden behind a shelf. Destroy the crate behind the shelf first.
Then, move the shelf and read the note.
Speak to Richardis
Head to the Saint-Julien church nearby, as marked on the map.
Enter the church to meet up with Richardis. I don’t think the dialogue options matter.
Follow Bernard
Then, follow Bernard as he leads you to the smuggler.
Kill the bandits
At the sewers, you’ll see the smuggler surrounded by bandits. Take out all the bandits.
Then, talk to her. You can use charisma to get her to help without paying.
Explore the tunnels
After talking to the smuggler, continue exploring the tunnels.
You’ll eventually reach the bottom of the bridge.
Take the crates of explosive jars to bridge weak points
There are a few spots where crates of explosives will spawn. You have to carry them to the designated spots.
Place the crate on the ground to complete the objective.
The last spot is slightly harder. You have to push the shelf to allow you to jump over the water.
At the next part, you have to move the shelf as well. Carry the crate to the designated spot and place it.
The quest ends here.
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