A Desperate Bounty is a world event located in Rygjafylke in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Your task is to kill the bandits in an ambush set up for Eivor.
Here’s a walkthrough of A Desperate Bounty in AC Valhalla.
Meet Hrorek
To begin the world event, head to the island east of Avaldsnes in Rygjafylke. The exact location is shown in the map below, as marked with the marker.
You will see a man named Hrorek with his horse nearby.
Follow Hrorek
He will claim that a jarl has been taken and you need to help rescue the person. Follow Hrorek on horseback.
Defeat the bandits
As soon as you reach the area, it’s an ambush.
There are three bandits in the area. Kill them all.
Talk to Hrorek again to complete the quest. Eivor will spare his life even though Hrorek lied.
The world event ends here.
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