The Coward of Yarikawa is a mission under Jin’s Journey in Ghost of Tsushima.
Your task is to find the archers who fled Yarikawa to go against the Mongols.
Here’s a walkthrough of The Coward of Yarikawa in Ghost of Tsushima.
Reward: Major Legend Increase.
To begin, meet Yuna at Old Yarikawa.
Examine the dead bodies
You will find dead Mongols on the ground. Examine the bodies.
Follow the tracks
Next, find the footprints. Follow the footprints.
It will lead you to an abandoned house.
As you approach the house, a bear will suddenly show up. Kill the bear and protect Taka.
Search the house
There will be clues around the house to investigate.
Find the archers
You will then find more tracks. Follow the tracks and you’ll see some archers moving up the hill.
Follow the archers quietly and then approach them.
Survey the Mongol camp
As most of the archers were captured by Mongols, you need to survey the camp first.
Trigger the ambush
The group will decide to wait at Old Yarikawa to ambush the Mongol patrol.
There will be at least two sets of barrels that can explode. Wait for them to come near and shoot at the barrels.
Defeat the Mongols
After the ambush, continue to defeat the Mongols. There will be a few waves of them.
Finally, kill the Mongol leader.
Speak with Daikoku
After the battle, talk to Daikoku, who is one of the archers.
The quest ends here.
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