Rise and Grind is a side mission that’s available in Promethea of Borderlands 3.
The objective is to help Lorelei get a cup of coffee, but it’s not as easy as it seems.
This is a brief walkthrough of Rise and Grind in Borderlands 3.
Recommended level: 12 and above.
Request service
Head over to Rise and Grind. Request service from the barista bot by using the button.
The bot won’t be able to dispense coffee as the coffee shop needs a power core to power it up.
Kill Core Daddy
Look for a core from Core Daddy, an enemy bot.
Destroy the bot and pick up the power core.
Insert power core
Go back to Rise and Grind to insert the power core into the circuit.
Reboot Rise and Grind using the button again.
Find Maliwan commander
Once again, the bot is unable to dispense coffee as you need a coffee cup.
To obtain a cup, look for a Maliwan commander who carries around a cup.
To draw him out, kill all of the enemies in the area.
The Maliwan commander won’t appear. Instead, one of his minions who carries the cup will show up.
Kill the bot and pick up the coffee cup.
Defend Rise and Grind
As soon as you get back to Rise and Grind, Maliwan forces will be in the area. Take them all out.
Place the to-go-cup.
Get the coffee and bring it back to Lorelei.
Help Atlas defend
As soon as you get back to Lorelei, you will be attacked by the Maliwan commander and his forces.
Destroy all of them.
Return to Lorelei
Speak with Lorelei to end the mission. You will get a shield and some cash.
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