7 Days To Die has many base building aspects to it despite being a zombie game.
You and your friends can build bases at many areas on the map, and you can also build an underground space.
Here’s how you can build an underground base in 7 Days To Die.
An underground area may be good for you to store important items, as it’s harder for zombies to reach them.
Get a shovel
While using an axe to ‘attack’ the ground does damage, it’s not nearly as efficient as using a shovel.
The first shovel you can craft is a stone shovel. You only need 5 small stones, 3 plant fibers and 3 wood to craft one stone shovel.
If the shovel is broken, you can repair it as well.
Start digging a big hole
Choose an area in your base where you would like to have an underground space.
Equip the shovel and slowly dig a hole.
Once you have a sizable hole, you can start to put a ladder to allow you to get up again.
Inside the hole, continue to dig a space of your liking using the shovel. Your shovel will break many times and you’ll need to repair it a lot.
For those harder surfaces, you may want to get an iron shovel, but an iron shovel requires either an unlocked skill or a blueprint to craft.
For digging purposes, you may want to do it at night when there’s nothing much to do.
Lay down the construction
Once the hole is big enough, you can start putting in surfaces to make the underground space look much nicer.
This one depends on your creativity.
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