Pico Park is a rather new multiplayer game that can be played with up to 8 players.
Each level has a different set of puzzles and contains four stages per level.
Here’s a guide and walkthrough for level 6 of Pico Park.
Level 6-1
For level 6-1, you can only push blocks that are the same color as your character.
Use the blocks and stack on each other to get to the next side.
For the next part, the person pushing the block below has to wait for the player above. The one above has to drop the blocks directly on top of the bottom block.
This is to form a staircase. Continue the process as you move to the right and accumulate more blocks.
As you reach the end, the player above should have the key to open the door.
The blocks are of different sizes and can be used as a staircase for the player at the bottom to go up.
Level 6-2
This stage is a little different. The screen will keep moving to the left and you have to be quick to leave the area or lose.
Use the lift to go up.
At the next part, you’ll see an already formed staircase. The one at the bottom has to push.
At the end, the one at the bottom has to climb up the staircase to the door, but you have to jump without pushing the blocks or the staircase fails.
Level 6-3
For the next stage, it should be quite straightforward.
Just use the platforms to go up and down.
Level 6-4
As for level 6-4, you have to avoid all the buttons which say “don’t push”.
It looks easy but it’s also extremely easy to accidentally push it while jumping or attempting to jump.
It’s even more chaotic in a group of eight players.
The tricky part is at the end when the buttons are closer to each other.
Players must also stack up to get the key at the top.
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