Grub is one of the bugs you have to find in Grounded to craft certain items.
For instance, you’ll need grub goop to make a smoothie station.
Here’s how you can find grub goop in Grounded (location).
Craft an acorn shovel
Before attempting to find grubs, you’ll need to craft an acorn shovel first.
You’ll need sprigs, woven fiber and acorn shell in order to make a shovel.
Acorn shells can be obtained by breaking acorns and they can be found at the base of the oak tree.
Look for grubs
Next, you’ll need to look for grubs.
They are typically moving underground and you’ll be able to see them (image below).
You might have seen them a couple of times before.
Use the shovel to dig out the grub. Then, use a weapon to kill it to get grub materials.
Location of grubs
There are a couple of areas you can find grubs.
One of them is shown in the image below, marked by the red circle.
It’s the same area you need to go to solve the ‘weakened laser’ problem with the mysterious machine.
Climb down the cable into the dark cave and head towards the end of the cave.
Use a hammer to destroy the quartzite and a new path will be opened. Head towards the end of the new path and you’ll find two grubs inside.