With update 1.5 coming into effect for Genshin Impact, players can decorate their realms with furniture.
However, some of the furniture requires certain materials to make, especially wood.
Here’s how you can find fir wood, birch wood and bamboo (locations) in Genshin Impact.
Fir wood location
The location of fir wood is shown in the map below, marked by the red X. You can teleport to the nearby dungeon to be quick.
It’s just east of Dawn Winery, and southwest of Springvale.
You should be able to get quite a bit of fir wood here.
Birch wood location
You’ll be able to find birch trees nearby some fir trees.
The location is shown in the map below, marked by the red X.
To get the wood, just melee the birch trees.
Bamboo tree segment location
To find bamboo tree segments, you need to first find the bamboo forest.
The location is shown in the map below, marked by the red X.
It’s just south of Qingce Village. It’s also way easier to just teleport to the waypoint there.
Melee the bamboo trees to get some segments.
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