Portal Reloaded is a new game on Steam which is actually a mod on the famous Portal 2.
There are 25 puzzles in total and this walkthrough will be the first five puzzles.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide on puzzles 1 to 5 in Portal Reloaded.
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 1 is the most direct. Just press on the button and go through the door.
Puzzle 2
For the second puzzle, you’ll be introduced to the third type of portal known as time travel.
When you enter the green portal, you will enter a future 20 years later. You will be taught how it works as well. Whatever you do in the present will be reflected in the future.
But you can move the cube from the future to the present and it won’t affect the present. However, if you hold the present cube, the future cube will disappear.
Also, the future cube mustn’t touch the present cube.
To solve this puzzle, just enter the future and grab the future cube.
In the future part, you can actually place the cube on the red button.
Puzzle 3
For puzzle 3, you need to put two cubes on the two buttons.
Place the present cube on the present button.
Also, take the future cube and head to the present. Place it on the other button.
Puzzle 4
For puzzle 4, you need to get up the platform to exit. Summon the cube first.
Place the present cube just outside the moving platform in the present.
Then, go to the future side and take the future cube. Bring the future cube to the present and place it on the red button.
Now, stand on the platform which is not elevated yet. Pick up the present cube and the future cube will disappear. This means the platform will go up.
Puzzle 5
For puzzle 5, you have to go to the future and summon a cube.
Then, head to the present. Place the future cube near the cube-summoning platform. Use the future cube as a platform to jump up to the summoning button.
Summon a present cube.
Still in the present, place the cube above the white arrow signage as shown in the image below. It’s near the exit door.
Now, go to the future and get the future cube. Bring it back to the present and place the future cube on the button.
Climb up the steps and at the top, take the present cube. This means the future cube will disappear.
Place the present cube on the red button near the exit.
The door will open and you’re done with puzzle 5.