A Pal Essence Condenser is a machine in Palworld that allows you to combine Pals.
You will be able to combine Pals of the same type to make a higher ranked version.
Here’s how you can build a Pal Essence Condenser in Palworld.
How to build a Pal Essence Condenser
Firstly, you have to unlock the Pal Essence Condenser in the Ancient Technology tab using ancient technology points. It’s at level 14.
Then, you need Paldium Fragment, Ingot and Ancient Civilization Parts to build one condenser. It’s pretty huge and tall so you’ll need to build it somewhere with enough space.
Now that you’ve built it, you can combine Pals of the same type. For e.g. you can choose one Melpaca to be the main Pal and four other Melpacas to be used as essences.
The main Melpaca should now be an improved version.
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